The Great Shutdown Debate: Why Restarting Your Computer is Vital for Optimal Performance

Are you frustrated with your computer’s sluggish performance, even though you regularly put it to sleep or shut it down using the “Shutdown” or “Sleep” option? If so, you’re not alone. Many people mistakenly believe that these options are equivalent to restarting their computer, but this is a common myth. In this blog post, we’ll[…]

Don’t Click that Ad! How to Avoid Falling Victim to Cybercrime

Are you careful when clicking on “sponsored” or “ad” links? You should be. Every click could lead you one step closer to becoming a victim of cybercrime. In today’s digital age, it’s more important than ever to understand the risks associated with these links and to learn ways to prevent falling victim to them in order to safeguard yourself and your computer. Unfortunately, search engine results can be deceiving and scammers may use deceptive tactics to make their ads appear to be something else entirely. Even news websites that may have sponsored content mixed in with their legitimate news stories can be vulnerable to displaying ads that are difficult to detect. In this blog post, we’ll explore ways to avoid clicking on these harmful links and protect yourself from scams and malware.